
Kids go camping! – An e-mail to my friend

Οι μαθητές της Ε τάξης γράφουν e-mail σε Αγγλόφωνους φίλους τους με τους οποίους θα πάνε μαζί στην κατασκήνωση και τους παρέχουν σχετικές πληροφορίες.

Χρύσα Κεπεσίδη Ε2

Hello Ryan

Some things that you need to have with you at the camp is plastic bag with a sleeping bag and a pillow.Suitcase with your personal properties,nesser with toothbrush and others,marine bag with swimsuit,towel and others and you can have if you want balls or books.

Love yours!


Ανδριάννα Γκάτζιου Ε1

  • Ηi Amy!

    In a while, in a little while we will go camping I have to tell you some things to know.

    1. You need to get a bag or a suitcase that has a hat inside, your clothes, sunscreen, sunglasses, swimsuit and throw.

    2. The camp also offers some sports that you choose, now I will tell you to choose it has volleyball, basketball, football and tennis.

  • 3. We must not make a fuss.

  • I had to tell you this if you didn't understand, call me again

    Στεφανία Δημητριάδου Ε2

    Hi Susan,

    This summer we go to the camping!!

    We are can do 30 different sports. We can also participate in an organized daily entertaiment progrum with activities.

    There are 3 outdoor pools, 4  basketball courts, 4 courts foodball, 4 courts volley, 2 courts  handball,  2  courts  batmiton  and   2   courts  tennis.

    With love your friend Stephania!!!

    Νάσια Γιαννακοπούλου Ε1

    Dear Friend,🍁🍂

    I heard that u will visit greece so i decided to go camping together!

    I’ve made a list on what u have to bring and the sports that we are 

    going to do….first on the list you will need to bring a rucksack with

    a tent, a sleeping bag, torches with some butteries, of course water

    and bunch of snacks! If u want u can bring a toy so when u get bored

    u have something to play with even tho u don’t really have to cause

    every new day is very exciting and playful!

    We are going to play a lot of different games for example “hidden

    treasure” and much more….

    We will also play a lot of sports like sailing cycling and fishing!

    I almost forgot to tell u that every single night we will tell either

    spooky or funny stories by the campfire and also we will be

    roasting some marshmallows and making them into smores!!!

    It’s going to be a lot of fun, i promise u!!!🍁🍂

                                                                           🍄By: Nasia🍄

    Βαλασή Κωνσταντινίδη Ε2

    Hello Vicky!

    I wanted to tell you that the summer I will go to the camp <Kids and fun> and you can come too! It's only 5 Euro!Well the only thing you need to take is clothes because all the stuff is there .In the camp you can swim, do sports, read books, learn about natural , Make friends and more! Please come and have fun!


    Βίβιαν Σόφρα Ε2

Σοφία Αθανασάκογλου Ε1

Dear friend ,

This summer I will go to the camp and I have some things to know.

You will need a bag with blushes, sunscreen, sunglasses, a tower, a pillow, a toothbrush and a book or ball.

We play fun games like little apples and more… Also at night sometimes we sit around the fire and eat marshmallows telling funny stories . Some days we go to the sea, we all play together, we have fun playing or swimming.

But you shouldn ‘t have a cell phone and not make a noice.

Love Sophia !!!!

Ηλίας Κολχούρης Ε1

Αλίκη Μούτλια Ε2

Dear my friend ,

I hope that everything its ok . I am so excited that we will go camping together .

So I made a list about the things that we will need , in the camping . First we will

need a sleeping bag , swimming costume , extra clothes and a torch .

Also, we will need athletic clothes and shoes because in the camping we can do

a lot of activities and sports like tennis, volleyball, cycling and sailing.

Also, if you want you can bring marshmallow because every night

we will sit in the campfire and will tell funny stories.

We will have a lot of fun!!!!See you soon !!!!!


Love .

Alice ….

Μαρίνα Παππά Ε1

My dear friend Georgia

How are you? This Summer we will go together for camping! There are many things to do there. We will do a lot of fun games, swimming and we will explore beautiful places. We will also make new friends! We need to have some things with us. We must have comfortable clothes, a hat, sun cream and swimsuit. You also need a sleeping bag. We will have a great time!

I’m looking  forward to meet to you!

With love Marina.

Δήμητρα Μανουσάκη Ε1


Dear Susan,

I'm very happy that you will come with me to camp next summer. So I decided to write you some information about the camp. There you can play in the small playground, you can also play a lot of nice games that will be organized by the ladies of the camp. You can't go out at noon from 3:00 to 6:00 because everyone has to go to bed at that time. There is also a dining room, and because it doesn't have a telephone, there's a prepaid phone. In the camp you can take with you in addition to clothes and shoes but also a flashlight, a pen, a sunscreen, a toothbrush, a card for the prepaid phone and a bag for the sea. I can't wait for next summer.

Love Dimitra !



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