
Category: Activities

Wordsearch, Matching game and other quizzes on Unit 4

Revision quizzes for Unit 4


Places in our school neighbourhood

Here is an interactive map with different places in our school neighbourhood. Click on the link to see it. Then click on the places on the list and listen to the things we can do there. Our school …

Unit 4, Lesson 3: Listen to the story!

  Click and listen to the story!

Food pyramid and categories

Food categories: Choose the odd one

Project “Thessaloniki city tour”

Let’s read about famous sights in our city! The Statue of Alexander the Great The Statue of the great Greek king riding his horse Bucephalus is one of the city’s most popular sights. The Statue of Alexander the …

A wonderful bird is the pelican

A wonderful bird is the pelican, His beak can hold more than his belly can, He can hold in his beak, Enough food for a week Dixon Lanier Merritt, 1913.

Unit 4, Lesson 2: Listen to the story

  Click on the picture to listen to the story

Revision Unit 4, Lessons 1 and 2