
Tag: Unit 4

Idioms about fruits!

Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of the lost salami

Follow the link to help Sherlock Holmes solve the mystery of the lost salami. https://photodentro.edu.gr/v/item/ds/8521/8529  

How much can you remember from Lesson 3?

https://wordwall.net/resource/14673652   https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/606ebaa06ef422001d4b87c7?source=quiz_share  

Wordsearch, Matching game and other quizzes on Unit 4

Revision quizzes for Unit 4


Unit 4, Lesson 3: Listen to the story!

  Click and listen to the story!

Food pyramid and categories

Food categories: Choose the odd one

Unit 4, Lesson 2: Listen to the story

  Click on the picture to listen to the story

Revision Unit 4, Lessons 1 and 2