
RecyCom news in town!


Dear colleagues and students,

It΄s the first time I have seen this in the town of Amaliada and I thought I΄d share with you (in case you haven΄t already seen) . It΄s a new recycling station! And guess what?! It΄s in my neighbourhood!

It is called RECYCOM and it is from a company under the same name, which aims at collecting things such as clothes, shoes, accessories (handbags, schoolbags etc.), bed linen and more...

Searching RECYCOM on the Net, I found out that this is a project for municipalities all over the country. Their motto is ¨Don΄t walk past me, fill me and you help¨. Even though I am not sure whether they mean you help the environment by recycling stuff you do not need anymore or help other people who are deprived, I got the feeling that it is indeed for our fellow citizens who have a hard time buying things.

So if you have items that you no longer need, search for a RECYCOM station in your area. It should be next to your normal recycling or non-recycling bins. I guess you know that all the things you dispose of should be clean and completely worth of reusing!

Take care!