
Α city in Greece-Arta

Location:Αrta is situated at the west-side of Greece and there are 67.877 people who live there. It is built near a river named "Arahthos".

Surroundings:Around the city you can see a hill with a hospital on it, a river with an old bridge and some plains.Τhe weather there isn't very good because it is raining very much.

Τhe city:The city is built from 630B.C.Many years ago it was a quiet and peaceful place, but now it is a busy city. It's also the second biggest city in Epirus.It has many important places to visit.There are many museums, churches but the most important place there is the old bridge named "Arta's bridge".There are a lot of cars, busy streets, blocks of flats and stores.There is also a big square in the middle of the city with many cafes and restaurants around.  

3 Comments on “Α city in Greece-Arta


    Hi Alex, Arta looks a very interesting place to visit. Oh yes, Arta’s bridge is famous all over Greece! Thank you for writing this post. Excellent organisation of paragraphs and beautiful photo of the bridge, too.

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