

Steve jobs was born in San Fransisco, USA, in on 24 February of 1955 and he died in on 5 October of 2011. His parents were very young, so,he was adopted by Paul Jobs, who was a mechanic, and Klara Jobs, who was an accountant.

From a very young age, he could assemble radios and TV's and at his  the age of 16 he met Steve Wozniak. Toghether they created bluebox, a device with which they could make phone pranks at the Vatican and all over the world. Woz had an idea! To create a keyboard and combine it with a screen. They used Steve's father garage and they started making the first Apple computers. Their logo was a bitten apple because he was very poor at the time and ate only apples. He became so rich, that he bought PIXAR movies and he got married to Lorin Powell Jobs. They had 3 children.

He became famous by Apple, I-pad, I-pod and with PIXAR movies.He died, unfortunately, of cancer in Palo Alto in 2011. When I get older, I want to do a similar job with Steve.


8 ways Steve Jobs changed the telecommunications industry                                 Σαν σήμερα πριν από 10 χρόνια, ο Steve Jobs παρουσίασε το πρώτο iPad

One Comment on “STEVE JOBS

  1. Hi Alex, Steve Jobs has made such an impact in the world of modern technology! He was a pioneer with a vision. I wish you study and do a similar job when you grow up, and remember what Steve Jobs said: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. Excellent organization of paragraphs and information in your post.

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