
Trojan horse.

In Greece we have many myths, one of them is the Trojan horse.

The Trojan horse was made by Odysseus and was a wooden horse that the Achaeans had written: a gift of the Achaeans to Athena.The reason they made it was to fool the Trojans and understand it as a gift of goodwill and peace, but in fact it hid the most important Greek fighters. The Trojans put the Trojan horse inside and the fighters left came out late at night. tThey opened the gates, called him the rest of the army and began to  make the country their own. destroy/invade Troy.Today when we say the phrase Trojan horse we mean that someone come with cheating may look good or beautiful but he really wants to harm or destroy.

This myth is very well known and I really like it.



2 Comments on “Trojan horse.

  1. Hi Demy, yes, a very very well known myth. Excellent idea to write about it. Well done for your post!

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