
Before Corona Came To Town …… !!!!!!!

Before Corona Virus came to town, we were all happy !!!! We used to go to school every day and meet our friends !!!!!! We used to play all together without a 2- metre distance and we didn't use to wear masks and use antiseptic gel all the time.We didn't use to have lessons on WEBEX and SKYPE platform !!!!! 

We used to go to after- school activities, parties and our friends' home !!!!! We used to go shopping without sending  SMS or writing a  NOTE and we didn't use to be at home at 6:00 p.m. 

We used to celebrate CHRISTMAS and EASTER with our relatives and we used to TRAVEL to different places and countries !!!!!!

I want my FREEDOM and HUGS back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5 Comments on “Before Corona Came To Town …… !!!!!!!

  1. Oh, yes, hugs, we all miss hugging our beloved ones, Eleftheria. I hope we can soon hug them tightly. Excellent post, and colourful, too 🙂

  2. Hi Eleftheria,yes hugs and freedom is something that I miss a lot too.I agree with you,we used to go school every day and go there on foot or by car.I can’t remember when was the last time that I went somewhere by car.”We used to go to after- school activities, parties and our friends’ home”You also said this I can’t agree more I miss a lot all of them. I hope that I will see you and more people soon without mask and covid in our life. We used to talk with people for our day,but now for COVID and all this is unbelievable. I like the colours that you used too!!!

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