
Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town we used to hug each other and we didn't use to wear masks. We used to go to school. We used to go to places all over the country or around the world and for holidays anywhere we wanted. We didn't use to send SMS or justify where are we are going to go. We couldn't imagine what is covid-19 is or what is quarantine is. With a few words In a nutshell, we were free.Now we wear our masks, we don't go to school,we do have online lessons and if we touch anything which is not ours we must wash our hands immediately. The borders are closed and we stay at home all day. The shops used to be open, but now they are closed. Lots of people lost their jobs because of covid-19. I wish covid-19 would end soon and we return at last to normality.

One Comment on “Before Corona came to town

  1. Hi Eleftheria, I really liked your post. It’s true that so many people have lost their jobs and they struggle to make ends meet. Let’s indeed wish covid would end soon.

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