
Before Corona came to town!

Before Corona came to town we used to go to school every day. We used to shop in shops and we used to go out a lot. We didn’t use to wear a mask and we didn’t use to stay at home all day.       I wish this ends soon.

Life without Corona is better!!!!

Before Corona, we used to do things intrepidly and bravely barely. We used to play with our friends in squares, we used to go to cafés, schools or our businesses and we used to be outside our homes. Now, anything we're doing outside the our homes, we're wearing masks and sending sms.And also, lots of people always look in at the screen of a computer or mobile phone.... In my opinion the life without Corona was better and I hope to stop this situation stops and we go on holidays without the fear of Corona some day.

Together we can stop Coronavirus!!!!

Before Corona came to town…… 🤧

I used to go for a walk without sending sms. I used to travel a lot. I used to go shopping without time restrictions and sms. I used to go to parties and eat out at restaurants. I didn't use to wear a mask everywhere. I didn't use to send sms in order to go for a walk. I didn't use to have limited time I to go shopping. I didn't use to put antiseptic all the time.

Before corona came to town

Before Corona came to town..

Before the corona virus came to town we used to go to school, we used to go to the restaurants and we used to go to squares to play with each other.
We didn't use to wear a mask or to do rapid test. Also it's so annoying! We didn't use to stay in the house all the time. Also we didn't use to order the most of the things from the Internet.
Corona is the worst thing ever.!😭😷


Before Corona came to town i used to went go every day in to the pool and swimming competitions , i used to play with my friends in the school, i used to go on trips with my family every Sunday . But now i didn't used to don't do all this these things. Now i keep my distance , i wear my mask and we are all day at home. I hope the old life will soon return!



I will tell you the story with a song:

You'd better not sneeze, you'd better wash your hands, you'd better stay in bed i'm telling you why. Because corona came to town! I used to play at school with my friends, i used to play at home, with my parents and my brother playstation or UNO! You'd better not sneeze, you'd better wash your hands, you'd+

better stay in bed i'm telling you why. Because corona came to town!


Προβολή ανακοίνωσης | Εθνικόν και Καποδιστριακόν Πανεπιστήμιον Αθηνών

Κορονοϊός: Τα αντισώματα κατά της Covid-19 στον οργανισμό μειώνονται γρήγορα -

Before Corona Came to Town😷

Before coronavirous,we used to be happier.We used to go to school🏫 everyday and we didn't use to do online meetings from WeBeX💻.I used to go to the square and play with my friends but now i can't.We didn't use to wear a mask😷.We used to go to the shops🛒 and we didn't use to shop online.I used to spend much time with my mom👩‍⚕️ but now i can't because she works a lots of hours in the hospital🏥.I hope this will ends soon😢!

Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town , I used to go out with my friends , I used to go shopping , I used to eat out with my family and I used to hug my friends . I didn't use to stay at home all day . But now I can't do nothing any of these , because Corona came in my life and wants to destroy everything good in this world . Now I have to wear my mask everywhere , I need to keep 2  meters distance of from everybody and even of from my parents too !!! I hope this story with Corona ends soon because I can't hold this any more !!!

Before Corona came to town…

Before Corona came to town we used to go school and we used to go for a walk without danger.But we didn't use to wear masks or have quarantine.Also we didn't use to spend a lot of time with our family or do something special at home or do school lessons with computer at noon.

Before Corona came to town

Before Corona came to town, we used to go everywere we wanted and do everything we wanted.We used to see our friends, do sports, go shopping, go to school, celebrateing 🎉{Christmas 🎄🎁, Easter 🧨🎇, Halloween 🎃🎭 and other celebrations}with our friends and family .Good times😊👌‼We didn't use to stay home all day and do nothing except for the lessons that happily 😁 continue, wear a mask everywere we go 😷, keep distances of two meters 👧............ 2️⃣ .............👦and put gel constantly 😒.Before Corona came to town we used to be like cowboys living free and do everything they want.😊😁👌

Before😊👌                                                                                                                           Now 😒                                                                                                                              

Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για γιορτες ανθρωποι                  Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για κορονοιος

Easter🧨🎇                                                                                         Covid 19 😒

Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για αλλαγη χρονου                         Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για κορονοιος

  Christmas🎄🎁                                                                     Covid 19 😒

Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για halloween                   Αποτελέσματα εικόνων για κορονοιος

Halloween🎃🎭                                                                          Covid 19 😒


                                                                    The cowboys who live free in my painting!!!
