

Cinderella is a beautiful Disney princess. She has blonde hair and wears a charming,silk blue dress. She lives in a big house with her step sisters and her step mother.

Cinderella is friendly, good-hearted , hospitable, attractive and she loves animals.She is the opposite of her step sisters who are unfriendly, vicious, unattractive and fierce.

Snow White

 Snow White is a princess in a movie of Disney. She looks like an actress of that time Hedy Lamarr. Hedy Lamarr was the most beautiful woman in the world. She had dark and curly hair and brown eyes. Her lips were red and her skin was white, like Snow White's. I don't know if Hedy Lamarr was friendly and kind, but I know that Snow White is a very friendly, kind, hospitable, sensitive, good hearted and delightful princess. The movie was based on the fairy tail tale.

The Beauty and the Beast

The Beauty  was a very beautiful girl , good-hearted and kind. She had green eyes, brown and long hair.  She lived in a small village with her father because her mother died when she was a baby.  Some kilometers away from her village there was a rude and ungly beast who was lived in a palace. This ungly beast wasn't really a beast but it was a prince. An old lady cursed him to stay a beast until he finds the true love.She gave him a red rose and told him to find this love until all petals of the rose fall. The Beauty and the Beast will soon  fell in love. This true love was enough to transform  the beast to a good - hearted prince.


Peter Parker was a usual boy.One day a toxic spider bit him and he became a superhero who called Spider-man. He wore a red and blue uniform with a big painted spider in his chest and his powers were insane.He could to do anything such as a real spider could.For example he could  climb on the walls and he chould throw webs which helped him to fly or grab things.He was very delightful and strong.He was good-hearted,kind,friendly and clever.Also he was very funny.But he could become violent and cruel with the gangsters.



Thor is god of lightning and thunder. He is the son of Odin and Jord. Thor had a magic hammer, the Mjollnir, which magically returned to him after finding his target.

He lives in the planet Asgard. He has fair hair, he is tall, he has a beard, he is strong, has a fit body and wearsing a red cape.

The character is good-hearted, friendly, serious and cruel.


Mulan is a princess with big green eyes and black hair. She is tall and slim and she is 24 years old.She wears a red dress with a green belt. She is from Japan.She loves the Aarchery. She is very kind but only with the good people.With the bad persons she is not very kind. She has got a huge sword and she kills them and the thieves. She has got two sisters, her mum and a white dog. Her dad is dead. She loves her family and this is so cute. Mulan is very pretty. She is a girl form Disney. Many people say that Mulan's story is a real story.




Wendy is a girl who hestitsates at first to fly off to Neverland,but she comes to enjoy her adventures.

She lives in London.

She is thin and tall.Her hair is brown and she wears a blue dress.

She is good-hearted,lovely and hospitable too!


Lucky Luke's job is to help good people from the criminals.He is a sherif and that's what he does. He rides on his horse ,Dolly and he also has a faithful dog ,Rantanplan.

He lives in the wild west,USA.

He is very thin and tall.He has straight ,black hair and wears a big white cowboy hat.

He is a good-hearted and delightful person.He is friendly,sensitive and everybody trusts him,because he is fair,too!

Midas touch

One  upon  a   time  a  king  called  Midas  who  was  loved  the  gold  asked  from  god  Dionysos  his for a big  favour  ...  that everything  he  touched, will  bewould become gold  .

He  touched  his  food  ,  his  drink ,  his  spoon and  all  of  them  was  became  gold .  The  same  thing   happened  to  his  daughter . He  touched  her  and  she  becomebecame a  gold  statue .

After  that  happened, king  Midas  was  very  sad  and  he  was  the  most  fair  king  who  was  loved  everything  and  everybody  except  gold .

Perseus and Medusa

Perseus leaves Serifos on a boat in order to find the Mermaid Medusa. In his path he meets the goddess Athena and the god Hermes, from whom he is informed that in order to kill Medusa he must obtain:

1.Hades' helmet, so that he can become invisible to and approach his target.
2.The magic bag that's going to put the terrible head in.
3.The winged sandals, because Gorgo-Medusa, lived on a rock, in the middle of the sea.
4.The shining shield from which he would see Medusa's head. Because anyone who saw Medusa in the face would die fall.
5.The sharp sword or sickle with which he would cut Gorgos' hard neck.

Athena gives him the shining shield and Hermes the winged sandals.

All that remained was to find out where the mortal Mermaid lived. Once again Athena helps him and tells him the way to the Graia.

The Graes were sisters of the Gorgons and the only ones who knew their place of residence. They were repulsive beings. They were three old ladies who had a comical element: because they had an eye and a tooth, they exchanged them for each other.

Perseus approached them invisible and, taking advantage of the moment of exchange, grabbed their eye. The Graes, knowing the relevant oracle for Gorgo, with difficulty and under the threat of losing their eye, testify revealed (αποκάλυψαν)to the hero the place of residence of Medusa where Medusa lived.

When the hero approached Medusa, invisible and looking at the mirror of his shield, with Athena's help, he cut off her head and put it in the backpack.