What I miss most about school by Anastasis


The last two weeks we don’t go to school due to corona virus.I feel very sad about that and I miss everything about school.I miss my daily routine, waking up in the morning and getting ready for school. I miss meeting my friends before class and talking about what we did the day before.

I miss my teachers, going to class and learning new things. I also miss playing with my friends during the break, running around  the playground, laughing and feeling happy and free. I even miss writing tests, doing my homework, answering to difficult questions…I wish I could  go back to school and have my old  great life back...I will appreciate it more,for sure!!!                                                                                            AND OF COURSE I MISS YOU MISS JOANNA!!!


ANSWER FROM MISS JOANNA: I miss you too! I am starting to appreciate my life more Anastasis! I miss my students!

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