
Ημέρα: 11 Απριλίου 2020

Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Στέφανος Ζ.

Ιn my house I play football, I watch TV and I play  board games with my sister, such as monopoly and UNO.

Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve by Aλκμήνη Τ.

My way to protect myself and others from the corona virus by Θανάσης Τ.

What I miss most about school by Βασιλική Κ.

What I miss most about school is my classmates and my teachers. I miss the games, the jokes we did and even our fights. I miss Mrs Aggeliki, Mrs Joanna, the German and the Art teacher. At least …

Stay safe, stay home, flatten the curve by Γιάννης Κ.

  My way to protect my self and others from the corona virus Every day I wash my hands  and I clean my house. Stay home, stay safe, flatten the curve Every day I listen to music, I …