
My glossary


extinct adjective

1.no longer existing, as an animal species.[Customize]
2.no longer practiced or observed, as a custom.[Customize]
3.no longer alive or active, as a volcano or fire.[Customize]

global adjective

1.having to do with the whole earth; worldwide; universal.[Customize]
2.taking into account all the parts that make up the whole of something.[Customize]
3.in the shape of a globe; spherical.[Customize]

habitat (habitats) noun

1.the natural environment of a plant or animal.[Customize]
2.a place of shelter or dwelling.[Customize]

hunt (hunted) transitive verb

1.to pursue (game animals) for food or sport.[Customize]
2.to search for.[Customize]
3.to thoroughly search (a place or region).[Customize]
4.to chase or pursue with hostile intention.[Customize]
intransitive verb

1.to enter into a pursuit for game animals with the intent of killing them for food or sport.[Customize]
2.to engage in a search.[Customize]

1.an act or instance of pursuing and killing wild animals.[Customize]
2.a thorough search.[Customize]

reduce (reduced) transitive verb

1.to make less in amount or size.[Customize]
2.to bring to a low condition (usually followed by "to").[Customize]
3.to lower the price of.[Customize]
4.to separate into parts by analysis.[Customize]
5.to make thinner; dilute.[Customize]
6.to reduce the positive charge or the valence of (an element or compound) by adding electrons.[Customize]
intransitive verb

1.to decrease in weight, or to lose weight intentionally through dieting.[Customize]
2.to become reduced; become smaller or less.[Customize]

settlement (settlements) noun

1.the process or act of settling, or the condition of being settled.[Customize]
2.an area newly occupied by colonists or settlers.[Customize]
3.a formal or legal arrangement or agreement, especially one pertaining to finances or business matters.[Customize]
4.the satisfaction of a debt or obligation.[Customize]

support transitive verb

1.to bear (a weight or load).[Customize]
2.to hold up; brace.[Customize]
3.to sustain or encourage (someone) during periods of stress or affliction.[Customize]
4.to provide adequately for.[Customize]
5.to provide evidence for; corroborate.[Customize]
6.to agree with, adhere to, or aid (a cause, idea, person, or group). [Customize]

1.the act or process of supporting, or the condition of being supported.[Customize]
2.someone or something that gives support.[Customize]
3.economic maintenance.[Customize]
4.the encouragement given to someone during periods of stress or affliction.[Customize]

threat noun

1.a declaration of intent to cause harm or difficulty, or to inflict punishment.[Customize]
2.a warning or sense of impending trouble or harm.[Customize]
3.that which poses a danger, or threatens injury or harm.[Customize]

warm (warming) adjective

1.having or emitting moderate heat.[Customize]
2.serving to hold in body heat.[Customize]
3.having or causing a sensation of somewhat high body temperature.[Customize]
4.marked by liveliness or vigor; hearty.[Customize]
5.friendly; sincere; affectionate.[Customize]
6.marked by vehemence or anger; heated.[Customize]
7.predominantly yellow, orange, or red.[Customize]
8.in certain games, close to guessing the answer or finding something.[Customize]
transitive verb

1.to make warm or warmer (often followed by "up").[Customize]
2.to arouse pleasant or kindly emotions in.[Customize]
3.to inspire enthusiasm, zeal, or ardor in.[Customize]
intransitive verb

1.to become warm or warmer (often followed by "up").[Customize]
2.to become enthusiastic or animated (often followed by "to" or "toward").[Customize]
3.to become sympathetic or well disposed (often followed by "to" or "toward").[Customize]

MY GLOSSARY (09-04-2020) -          Aristides  

able adjective

having the skill, power, or opportunity that one must have to do a thing.

captivity noun

the condition of being captive; bondage; imprisonment.

extreme (extremely) adjective

at the most distant point or outer limit of.

extremely adverb

in a great degree; very.

marking (markings) noun

a mark or marks.

remain intransitive verb

to continue without a change in quality or state.

replace (replacing) transitive verb

to put in place of (a similar object).

risk noun

the possibility of suffering injury or loss; dangerous chance.

shortage noun

a deficiency; lack.

strike (striking) transitive verb

to hit (someone or something) with the hand or something used as a weapon.

striking adjective

outstanding; impressive.
Name: Helen R.

affect1 transitiveverb

to influence, cause a change in, or have an impact on.

affect2 transitiveverb

to imitate, often in a pretentious manner; feign.

endanger (endangered) transitiveverb

to cause to be exposed to danger.

endangered adjective

exposed to danger.

human (humans) adjective

of, relating to, or characteristic of mankind.

hunt (hunted) transitiveverb

to pursue (game animals) for food or sport.

include transitiveverb

to contain, as a whole contains its parts.

pollution noun

the act or process, or an instance, of polluting.

population noun

the collective human inhabitants of an area.

reduce (reduced) transitive verb

to make less in amount or size.

replace (replacing) transitive verb

to put in place of (a similar object).

settlement (settlements) noun

the process or act of settling, or the condition of being settled.

Name: Μελίτη
cause (causes) noun something or someone that produces a result or effect.

global adjective having to do with the whole earth; worldwide; universal.

greatly adverb very much.

hunt (hunted) transitive verb to pursue (game animals) for food or sport.

reduce (reduced) transitive verb to make less in amount or size.

replace (replacing) transitive verb to put in place of (a similar object).

shortage noun a deficiency; lack.

wild adjective existing in a natural state; not tamed.