

Συμμετείχαμε σε ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα eTwinning. Tα σχολεία με τα οποία συνεργαστήκαμε ήταν:

  • Σχολείο  JU OŠ Osman Nuri Hadžić – Βοσνία Ερζεγοβίνη
  • Σχολείο Primary School of Vasilikos Zakynthos
  •  Δημοτικό Σχολείο Χαλκίδας "Γιάννης Σκαρίμπας"
  • ZŠ Dr. E. Beneše Praha, Czech Republic
  • Πειραματικό Σχολείο Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (Μαράσλειο)

ΒΙΝΤΕΟ:     1        2        3                   6     7     

Man and machines 

The integration of robotics into the educational process opens up new ways of learning. Through building and programming robotic structures, students develop practical skills and solve problems. Students will be guided to build various machines in collaboration with other schools in Europe. They will use modern robotics (Wedo 2.0 and microbit) to make their own projects and present them in collaboration with European schools.

Objectives of robotics in the classroom may include:

  • Learning programming: Students can learn basic programming principles using robots.
  • Problem Solving: Students can develop problem solving skills by programming robots to perform specific tasks.
  • Creativity: Students can design and create various functions for their robots.

Collaboration: Students can collaborate in groups with other schools in Greece and Europe to solve problems and create together.

  • Encouraging scientific approach: Robotics can help students develop scientific thinking and approach to problem solving.
  • Interest in technology: Robotics can encourage students' interest in technology and science.

In collaboration with other schools, there will be a plan and the goals of the program will be set. The initial goal is to create "smart" machines that will rely entirely on automated systems. Each school will undertake the creation of a robot. We will use Lego elements which will be programmed with a Wedo 2.0 guide and also microbit for more specialized projects - machines that will be programmed to work. Each member, after creating various projects and programming them with the help of computers, will present the projects to the other members.

We will post the project, as well as all stages of planning and implementation, on twinspace.