How to minimize the time you spend on your homework!

Hi friends. My name is Jerry and today I want to show you my top tips to do as little homework as possible and not get expelled. The most important tip is that you have to do only what you can’t do elsewhere, in your home. Meaning that if there is anything you can do on your way to school on a break or before the lesson starts, you should do it then. Something that you got to send it to the teachers for example, through a platform like e-class or e-me, sadly there is no way around it. You have to do it like a nerd would…In your home… before midnight. However, if you want to minimize the time spent on useless homework like this, you should just do as little as possible to be acceptable from the teacher. Now, that is a little hard to define how much this is, but I think it is mostly based on a teacher. When you think that this teacher would accept your work, write one more sentence just to be sure. A good rule of thumb though is to write about double as much as the task’s instructions. If you have done all of that, send the exercise. Another important thing is to use tools that you find online. Some of the best in my opinion are google translate, Wikipedia, and some online keys. The third tip requires friends, and I know that many of you don’t have but I am going to throw it in either way. If you haven’t done your homework, simply ask a friend for their book/notebook and copy paste what they’ve written. Make some changes here and there so it’s not too similar but don’t waste a lot of time. Now for tests. I know it is a bit tempting to read for a test so you can get a good grade, but make sure to fight this temptation and do the following. Leave it until the day of the test. The morning on your way to school after you complete all your homework start reading only the very basics. If you have friends, ask them to tell you only the SOS. If you don’t have any friends, keep reading. At the time of the test try to copy from someone else’s test. If you can’t connect all the similar words in the questions, try to remember anything that you have heard or read and complete the questions. If you have no clue what the answer is, just write something, even if it is out of topic. I think that ramps it up. If you think I forgot anything post it in the comments. I hope that was useful and that now you don’t spend a minute more than  it’s needed on your homework. IELTS - Education | Baamboozle

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