
Mother’s Day printable

Hello children, how are you? Mother's day is on Sunday so here is a bunch of flowers you can print, draw and give to your mom. Or you can draw your own card! Those of you who are more crafty can watch the video tutorial I uploaded on your wall and make the tulip card.

Of course,I also have a question for you. Mother's Day is celebrated on the 10th of May in Greece and in the United States. Can you find out when it is celebrated in Great Britain and what it was originally called? I'm looking forward to your answers in the comments and you can also send me your Mother's Day creations! Take care!

7 Comments on “Mother’s Day printable


    Mother`s Day in Great Britain is celebrated three weeks before Easter,the 4th Sunday in Lent and it was originally called “Mothering Sunday”.


      Mother`s Day in Great Britain is celebrated three weeks before Easter,the 4th Sunday in Lent and it was originally called “Mothering Sunday”.


    This year, Mother’s Day was celebrated on March 22 in the UK. In the UK, the date is linked to Easter, which is different each year as it is determined by the lunar calendar.The UK’s Mother’s Day always falls on the fourth Sunday during the period of Lent, when people typically give up things like certain foods or bad habits for the days leading up to Easter.Mothering Sunday is a celebration held to honour mothers and maternal figures.

  3. Mother’s Day in Greece is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. In the UK, the date changes every year because Mothering Sunday first began as a church tradition, and it takes place three weeks before Easter on the fourth Sunday of Lent. This was when Christians would visit their ‘mother church’ which is why we often refer to the day as Mothering Sunday. Because the dates of Lent and Easter change each year, based on the lunar calendar, the date of Mother’s Day changes too.

    Unfortunately I didn’t make something for my mum but my sister and I brought her flowers. We cut red, yellow and pink roses from our neighbour’s garden and we made her a bouquet!!


    In Great Britain the Mother’s Day called Mothering Sunday and cellebrated at 4th Sunday of Lent.

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