
Grammar facts: Present Continuous – now, at the moment, these days

A presentation about the PRESENT CONTINUOUS

Let’s practise verb tenses

Follow the link below and do the online worksheet. When you finish, click FINISH, write your name and click SEND.

Remember! I sometimes read a book in the evening ... (to talk about a habit)

I can't go out! I am reading a book ... (to talk about now)


You can brush up your knowledge studying the resources in these two posts:

Grammar facts: Present Continuous – now, at the moment, these days

Grammar facts: Present simple – every day, often, once a month, every two years

Sustainability in every aspect of our lives …

Follow the link to match the words. They are collocations (=words that are often found together) including the word sustainable ...

Below the quiz, you can find some useful resources that can help you with the answers.

Here is a link to sustainable energy facts for kids on Kiddle: https://kids.kiddle.co/Sustainable_energy

To better understand sustainable food habits have a close look at this image ...

What do you know about sustainability

sustainability → when you use something in such a way that it will continue to be available in the future, when you can keep having something forever

Now you know what sustainability is, think about environmental sustainability...

Our mindmap in Coggle https://coggle.it/diagram/Y5m48vnDY3PfJ0PC/t/-/567bc9bc02e6fc87e0de761bef92736d327aeb72d3aa563e503585ecde3ef373

And here is a video about environmental sustainability.

Did you guess right?


Christmas wishes and customs from our eTwinning friends

Happy New Year, everybody!

Below you can find the files with the Christmas cards you created for our Spanish friends. They have made posts with Christmas customs and traditions from Spain.

Please, read their posts and say what do you think about the Spanish customs and traditions.

You can also write about the Christmas customs and traditions we follow in Greece.

Padlet 1. Christmas cards

Padlet 2. Christmas cards

Padlet 3. Christmas cards


Present yourselves to our eTwinning friends

Post as an answer below a short paragraph presenting yourself ...

  1. First, describe your physical appearance. Remember what you answered in this post https://blogs.e-me.edu.gr/hive-Class-C1-1st-Experimental-School-Thessaloniki/2022/09/22/what-i-look-like/. Don't forget to mention what you usually wear and why. You have already answered this question in this post https://blogs.e-me.edu.gr/hive-Class-C1-1st-Experimental-School-Thessaloniki/2022/09/20/what-kind-of-clothes-do-you-usually-wear-2/ .
  2. Then, talk about your hobbies. Have a look at this Picture Dictionary and at what you wrote in your notebook in September.
  3. Last but not least, check if you created an avatar that looks like you for our Guess Who game with our eTwinning friends. Here's the post https://blogs.e-me.edu.gr/hive-Class-C1-1st-Experimental-School-Thessaloniki/2022/10/20/create-your-avatar-for-our-etwinning-project/ .

Grammar quizzes on verb forms

Follow the links and do the quizzes. Then, write your scores in your notebook.

Present Simple Tense Action Verbs Interactive Monkey Game



Present Progressive Tense Use, Continuous, ESL Grammar Fun Game Online



Talking about our neighbourhood in a wordcloud

Here is the wordcloud with the words Class E1 and E2 have used to talk about neighbourhood.

Click to see the words animated:



Fun quizzes to talk about things you are doing NOW!

Click to do the quizzes. Then, write your score in the notebook!



Present Progressive Tense Use, Continuous, ESL Grammar Fun Game Online


Clouds with words from your answers about the greenhouse effect

Here are the clouds created with the words in your answers to the video about the greenhouse effect.

Why do you think some words appear bigger than others?

Choose 2 words and write how they relate to the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect.


Class E1





Class E2