
Mother – Our acrostic poems

Σε αυτό το άρθρο οι μαθητές της Ε τάξης γίνονται μικροί ποιητές με έμπνευση τη μητέρα τους...

Γιώργος Μαυρομουστάκης Ε1

MOTHER POEM by George Mavromoustakis E1

Σοφία Αθανασάκογλου Ε1

Μ y present

Ο h I love my mum

Τ he best of all

Η er eyes shining like the sun

Ε xcellent cook

R omantic

Ηλίας Κολχούρης Ε1

Acrostic poem_Kolchouris Ilias_E1

Βαλασή Κωνσταντινίδη Ε2


M’ is the most lovely person

O’ is anything i have

T’ is the person i can trust

H’ she always make me happy

E’ endless tanks for your patience

R’ i really have the best mother!


Χρύσα Κεπεσίδη Ε2

M is for many kisses she gives

O iam her only love

T is for true love

H is for iam her only world

E is for every hugs is gives me

R is for remember iam her princess

Παναγιώτα Μουρουζίδου Ε1

M is for the moments we spent together

O is for the fresh orange juice she makes for me

T is for the teddy bears she bought me

H is for the thousand hugs she gave me

E is for the energy she gives me

R is for the rules she sets in the house

Ευαγγελίνα Ντάφου Ε2

Acrostic Poem:

M. Mum called Vicky

O On her free time she plays with me.

T Then she cooks

H Her hair is curly.

E Everyone loves her.

R Really good Mum!!

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