
Demy An email to a pen friend

Hello Steve,

Thank you for sending me your email.Let me now tell you about me.
My name is Demy.I come from Chaidari,Greece a city in Athens.The weather here is sometimes cloudy but most of the times it is sunny.

A few things about myself :I am eleven years old and I like casual clothes like track suits and T-shirts.

What do I look like: Well I am not very tall and I have straight brown hair and big brown hazel eyes.

I look forward to your next e-mail!





An email to a pen -friend

Hello 👋 Steve

My name is Mary and I come from Chaidari, in Athens . Chaidari is a very beautiful city in Creece.

The weather in winter ⛄ is usually sunny 🌅 and rainy ☔ and in summers 🏄 hot 🔥 and sunny 🌞 .

A few things about my self myself (1 word): I'm eleven years old and I go to primary school 🏫.I like  wearing casual clothes and colourful T-shirts.What do I look like ? I'm quite tall with big brown eyes 👀 and brown straight hair.

Send me again a new email and tell me more about you.

Best regards


An email to a pen friend

Hello Steve,
My name is Mariza and I come from Chaidari, a city in the capital of Greece, Athens.
The weather is usually warm and sunny in summers, but in winter it is cold and rainy. The people are friendly and kind. 
I'm eleven years old and I like very much casual clothes. I usually wear leggings and white T-shirts. I think these clothes suit me better.
I'm tall and I have fair wavy hair. My eyes are brown.
What do you look like? Let me know! (Maybe something like: "I look forward to your next e-mail")
Best wishes,



Prometheus is was the son of the Titan Iapetos and Klimeni.
Prometheus hired stole the fire of from Zeus to give it to people.
Zeus is punishmented Prometheus and Zeus is band the tied Prometheus in on a rock .
Every day calls he called an eagle to eat his liver .
After Herakles is seved saved Prometheus.


katerina genadopoyloy

The Nemean lion

The first of the twelve athls  labours of Heracles was to kill the Nemean lion.

The lion of Nemea had very hard skin ,which couldn't  be  hurted from by any weapon.

It lived at the mountains on in Nemea and was the monster of the region

Heracles at first used his bow and sword to kill it without any result . Eventually he fought  it with his bare hands and killed  it.

When he returned at to his cousin's palace , his cousin Eurystheus was amazed and terrified.


The 12 gods of Olympus are the most important myth of Greek mythology.

The 12 gods were the deities that the ancient Greeks believed in.  They lived on Mount Olympus and everyone had an ability.These twelve gods were the god Zeus, the goddess Hera, Poseidon, Dionysus, the goddess Athena, Aphrodite, the god Mars, Mercury, the goddess Artemis, the goddess Dimitra, the hearth Hestia and Hephaestus.There were six men and six women. But there are were also demigods like Hades and Hercules.

The ancient Greeks had a great cult of them as they performed ceremonies, dances and sacrifices for them.Today there are statues of gods oin all sides many sites in Greece.


The Stymphalian birds

There are many strange creatures in the Greek myths. One of them are the Stymphalian hens birds which had copper ramps ,nails and feathers. They was were the sixth athlete labour of Hercules.

They lived in the a lake of in the mountains of Corinth. The Stymphalian henw birds was threatened aboyt people and animals. Hercules did not know how to geot them out of the lake. Athena gave him castanets which rattled and the Stymphalian hens birds went came out. Hercules killed  some of them and the rest left.




The Lernaean Hydra was a mythical creature that lived in the swamp of Lerni and Eurystheus asked Hercules to kill it. Hercules took Iolaus with him and they went to find her and kill her. Hercules cut off their heads and Iolaos cut burnt them so that they would not sprout again. Hercules and Iolaus succeeded.



The deer of Artemis


The deer of Artemis

Kind Eurystheus asked Hercules to do the third feat labour. He wanted him to catch and bring him the deer of Artemis. The deer was leaiving in the mountains of Arcadia. It was scared and belonged to Artemis.

It was a very difficult feet labour because if he caught it we goddess Artemis will would be very angry. This deear was her favourite and sacred. Hercules had to catch it alive. When met it he chased it for many days and it feel fell into the river of London Ladon. There he managed to catch it. He took it. Hercules explained to her that he would show this to Eurystheus and then he will would release it. She forgave him and he went to Tyrintha.


Capture of Europe


According to a Greek myth, Europe was the sister of Cadmus, leader of Thebes and daughter of Aginoras and Telefassa, leaders of Phenicia.

When she grew up, one day she went to the countryside to play with her friends and pick flowers. There she met the god Zeus. Eros immediately hit him and in order to approach her, he transformed into a calm, tall and strong bull and went next to her.

She then approached the bull – Zeus and began to caress him fascinated by his beautiful physique and muscular strength. In a little while she did not hesitate to ride him. Then he started running at lightning speed.

Europe was crying, but it she couldn't jump, because it she was afraid of being killed. The god transformed into a bull crossed the sea and arrived in Crete. When he landed on the island, the Zeus married Europe

She gave birth to Minos who became the first Greek sea emperor .

The Capture of Europe there is at the coin of Euro.

From this myth, a number of United countries with common economy and coulture have taken their name "Europe".