Do you often find yourself complaining about how hard or how much your homework/ studying material is?

Well, these tips can help you by making it easier!

1.Reward yourself after finishing by doing something you like.

14 Useful Study Hacks That'll Make Your Life A Little Bit Easier | Study tips, Study, Health words

2.Study with friends so you can help each other when you don’t understand something.

36411247 - smiling friends sitting studying together after school - SoGood Languages

3.Do small breaks while studying.

What should I do in my 10-minute study breaks? - Quora

4.Do the easiest ones first so you can focus on the hard ones and pay more attention to them in the end.

How to Do Homework (with Pictures) - wikiHow

5.Make a schedule of your day and find a time when you study so you can do other things the rest of the time.

Free Daily Schedule Template for PDF | Excel | HubSpot

6.According to research, if you listen to a recording of a lesson while sleeping It’s easier for you to memorize it, so this is something fun for you to try!

Classical Music During Sleep Helps Students Learn

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