How to survive a boring lesson

How to survive a boring lesson.

What can you do to survive a boring lesson at school?! Here are some tips to cope with this problem easily:


  • If you are bored during a school class, you should do your best to deal with it. Try to focus there and you will be able to face it.
  • If you try this and you are still bored, you must take some serious steps. Try to interact in class and ask questions.
  • If you take notes and listen actively, the boring lesson will be faster.
  • You can also do other things like doing your homework for other subjects during the lesson. But be careful, you shouldn’t be caught by teachers.
  • If it helps you, you can make a list of things you want to do in your life. Your goals.
  • The best way to solve this problem is to make paper planes, alone or with bored friends too! It’s fun and the time passes fast. I recommend that you give it a try!

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