
How to Describe People, Places and Things

What language do we use to describe people? What words and expressions do we usually use to describe places or things? And what kind of questions do we ask   when we want to know more about people, places, and things? Watch the video below

How do you like your new apartment? - It's great. It's cozy and convenient. Even if it's small, the closet can hold everything I need.
What's the kitchen like?  - It's old but all the appliances still work. The only downside to this apartment is that I have to share the bathroom with my roommate.
What's your roommate like?- She's very messy. She leaves her things all over the floor. But she's nice and kind.
What does she look like?  - She's very pretty. She has long dark brown hair and green eyes
How have your classes been going? What class do you like the least?
I find it so boring

What does your teacher look like? He's very tall
What is your teacher like?
The teacher is knowledgeable and interesting/  a lovely, older woman with grey hair
She 's very passionate and enthusiastic about  ...
She seems to be an awesome person

He's  a very stern and quiet type of person He's very tall and intimidating
He never bothers to explain to us what we don't understand.
I wish he were a little more communicative and supportive.
What are your classmates like?
They are very interesting .We have so many things in common
Tell us about the city you live in
What's the city you live in like? What's living there like?

(are there ) Any good places to eat?
I love chicken curry. It's so spicy and delicious
It's  a small restaurant  but they make really good food
There's a good pizza place down the street from us
Is there anything fun to do nearby?
There's a venue nearby where..
We've gotten to see some good bands play there
It's a really fun  experience

Now you can do the quiz to test what  you've learnt
What is the correct question to  each given answer?

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