
Nature based


Nature-based Solutions learning scenario


Etwinning “Sustainable development”



Vasiliki Dogani


Add here a paragraph summarizing the learning scenario. This text will be used to introduce your learning scenario when it is published online, so please try to be as clear and concise as possible.

My goal it to help student to discover ways to help our planet. A grate problem is rising temperature. So we will find ways to help our planet and find what student need.


Add here 5 keywords that you think best describe your learning scenario. Other teachers will find your learning scenario based on these keywords, so please try to be as accurate as possible.

My student will be 7th-9th grate. I will involve other teacher which are expert. I will also try to involve classroom in activities.In Greece and in their local community they will be involved. I will teach them according to school curricuclum and putting outdoor activities.

Introduction (leave this section as it is)

Reading articles https://www.jstor.org/stable/26270403?seq=2#metadata_info_tab_contents

They will read it.

Involving instruction by Europian policy

Make vertical garden


Restore local community

  • Climate action for adaptation, resilience and mitigation (SDG 13)
  • Green space, habitats and biodiversity (SDG 15)
  • Environmental quality, including air quality and waste management
  • Regeneration, land-use and urban development
  • Health and well-being (SDG 3)
  • Cultural heritage and cultural diversity


“Nature-based solutions (NBS) are solutions that are inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience. Such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes, and seascapes, through locally adapted, resource-efficient and systemic interventions. Nature-based solutions must therefore benefit biodiversity and support the delivery of a range of ecosystem services.” https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/research-area/environment/nature-based-solutions_en

To use this Learning Scenario more effectively, teachers are encouraged to:



Table of summary
Subject List all the subjects that this learning scenario is intended for. If this is an interdisciplinary lesson, list multiple subjects.

It is involved history, language, technology, biology


Topic Indicate below which of the nine NBS topics your learning scenario addresses:

1.   Understanding NBS

2.   Climate mitigation and adaptation;

3.   Water management;

4.   Disaster Risk Reduction;

5.   Green spaces and urban regeneration;

6.   Public health, well-being and air quality;

7.   Participatory planning and governance;

8.   Social justice and social cohesion;

9.   Economic opportunities and green jobs


Age of students 7th-9th
Preparation time 7 hours
Teaching time 15 hours
Online teaching material List here all the links of online tools, applications and support documents that you will use during the lesson, such as: Padlet, Kahoot, Canva, etc.

Canva, kahoot


Offline teaching material List here all the offline tools, such as: paper, glue, etc.

Using paper, technology impleemntation


NBS resources used List here links ALL of the NBS resources used for this learning scenario.



Attribution ShareAlike CC BY-SA. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms. This is the license used by Wikipedia and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.

Integration into the curriculum

Detail in a few sentences how the topic of the learning scenario will fit into your national curriculum.

I will teach them according to school curricuclum and putting outdoor activities.

Aim of the lesson

Describe in 1-2 sentences what you would like to achieve with your students by the end of the lesson.

Learn, discover, explore


Outcome of the lesson

Describe in 1-2 sentences what kind of outcome the lesson will have. This can be a tangible end-product or any other particular outcome.

Help and find solutions for helping our planet



List the relevant trends that the lesson incorporates: http://www.allourideas.org/trendiez/results

Make a garden

Help poor

21st century skills

Add here how the learning scenario corresponds to 21st century skills. To find out more: http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework .

Tehnology, implementation

Etwinning project



Describe here in detail all the activities during the lesson and the time they require. Remember, that your learning scenario needs to relate to nature-based solutions. If you are using any external documents, please scroll to the end of the document and add them to the Annex. Add more rows to the table if needed.

Name of activity Procedure Time
  Plants plants out of school



  They also started the educational activities for students and opened a new library for children.


  Go to visite new garden
  Taking measures to protect the diversity
  Helping other who need help and have economical problems by providing food carots
  Talk with other counties and find common activities in etwinning



Describe here the assessment method of the lesson, if any. For example, if you plan on assessing your students with a quiz, include here questions and answer options with color-coding the correct answers.

Kahoot game


Student feedback

Add here the method with which your students will be able to give you feedback and discuss the lesson.



Project based

Teacher’s remarks

Add here your comments and evaluation AFTER the implementation of this lesson if you have time to test it, otherwise leave blank.

Good plan

Involving ways to help student inolved


About the NBS project (leave this section as it is)

The NBS MOOC, coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN), is part of the NBS pilots initiated and funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. The LS and MOOC are based on the EC-funded Learning Scenarios developed by EUN (www.eun.org) with the support of PPMI (www.ppmi.lt/en), and organised with the support of VO EUROPE (https://www.vo-group.be/en). The MOOC is also supported by Scientix, funded from the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme – project Scientix 4 (Grant Agreement N. 101000063). The content is the sole responsibility of the organiser and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.

Find out more about nature-based solutions: https://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index.cfm?pg=nbs


Add here any annex (e.g. questions for quizzes). If you have more than one Annex, copy the title below and it will move to a new page by itself.


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