
Before Corona came to town

When coronavirous was not  to in the town we did whatever we wanted and went everywhere without any fear.

Now, with coronavirous we can not go to cinema,at to partieys, theatre and school.We are only going to at the supermarket and for a walk.Also we are wearing these awful masks and we can't  have our holidays as in the past.ThenMoreover, we can't celebrate Easter, Christmas and a lot of celebrations.We do have shcool lessons with our on webex and we can't see our friends and teachers.I don't like this illness disease and I wish it to go away soon and to return to our normal life!

Before                                                                    After

Ο «Προμηθέας» ήρθε για να μείνειCovid-19: Οι καταστροφικές συνέπειες της πανδημίας για τα παιδιά


Before corona came to town we used to do the exact opposite of what we do now !!!

We used to go out without wearing masks (nice times ).We used to celebrate Christmas and Easter with more than 9 people .We used to go out to cafés and restaurants and came back after 9 o'clock but now at 9 o'clock the ban is on and the restaurants are closed .We used to do have normal holidays without having to go to a nearby destination .We didn't use to do have online classes on webex ,we used to go to school and go on trips and we didn't use to keep 2 metres distance !!!!

     I HATE CORONA !!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   BEFORE

            AFTER                            BEFORE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AFTER 


Before coronavirus, we didn't used to wear masks and of course we used to go to school. The best thing is that we didn't used to keep distances from each other, so we could play with our friends. Also we used to get out of our homes whenever we wanted. Now if you don't send an sms, if you don't wear a mask and if you are with many people in your car or somewhere alse, the police will amerce fine you. When we had a break at school we used to play in the whole playground. Now we can play only in some parts of the playground. When I thought that things couldn't get worse, the goverment closed the schools and today we are doing having online classes. Το sum up, before coronavirus we used to be free.

Alex༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Can we use the Coronavirus crisis as a catalyst for change? | IOT Solutions World Congress | 5-7 OCTOBER 2021 BARCELONA

Before corona came to town we were free!!!

We used to go at to school and in attend our subjects classes, we used to play on in squares and have fan fun with our friends, we used to visit our villages on holidays, we used to go on to the cinema and saw movies, we used to saw see beautiful places. In short we were humans!

We didn’t used to stay at ours home, we didn’t used to wear masks, we didn’t used to keep clean our hands with antiseptic, we didn’t used to watch TV all the day. Finally we didn’t used to use webex to do have our lessons for school and tutorials.

I  hope in the future we won’t have a problem like that  and we will be free!!!

Before corona came to town… our life was perfect!!!

Before corona came to town, we were had freedom.

We used to go outside to our houses and play with our friends in squares and football fields. We used to gather at the houses and hug our grandfathers and our grandmothers. We used to go on trips to several tourist destinations of in Greece and another countryies of the world. We used to go to school and meet our friends.

We didn't used to send sms to 13033. We didn't used to wear masks and keep the a distance of 2 metres and we didn't used to waste lot of antiseptic before quarantine. We didn't used to listen to the daily meeting of the Minister of Civil Protection and the Ministry of Health on TV for the covid cases. We didn't used to use webex to do have classes and we didn't know the phrases: click away and click in shop.

Before corona came to town… our life was perfect!!!

P.S. I hate corona !!!

Before corona came to town…

Before corona virus we used to go at to school.Now, we have to sit in front of a computer all day to do have our lessons.It is tiring and sometimes boring.When we have a break, we can' t go out to play.

But the worst of all is that we can' t see our friends,we can't hug each other and we have to wear that silly mask.Another thing that we used to do was shopping.Now, we have to order our clothes from the internet and after a lot of days , couriers bring them to us.

Before corona virus, we didn't use to do all these.Everything was easier.

I hope our life to be as before, soon.




Before Corona came to town

Hi everyone. I am Bill and I am very sad because I am forced to be constantly in the house and I am many hours in front of the computer. Before corona came to town we used to play in the square. I hugged my friends and run ran in playground. We used to go to my village every weekend and we used to eat skewers in a tavern. We used to go for a walks in the shops. We didn’t not used to send messages to get to work or to wear a mask in front of my face mask. We did not use to swallow dust from the mask. Many There are times when I can’t breathe. I want to go back to my old habits.



Before Corona came to our town

Before corona came to our city, we were playing used to play outside with many people without masks and didn't send SMS. We used to celebrate Easter, Christmas and other celebrations. We were going used to go wherever we wanted, but now we can't :(. We were going used to go to school and didn’t stay home all day. Also, now, we are doing lessons having classes on webex. Before corona we didn't knowing what would happen if we stayed at home all day, but now we know. Its awfull. I want to go back to school without a mask and see my friends.

Before Corona came to my country, Greece

Before Corona we I used to play with my friends. ,wWe used to do have partiesy, we didn't used to
put antiseptic, and we used to hang out with my family. ,wWe didn't used to wear a mask  we didn't used to put mask and we used to do sports.


Before corona came to town we are had freedom. Before corona came to town we used to do everything . We used to go out and do have parties🎉 and don't didn't send messages to go out .We used to celebrate Christmas🎄 and Easter 🐣 . We used to go on trips and don't didn't stay at home . We didn't use to do have online classes on webex , we used to go to school and meet our friends. We didn't use to wear masks 😷 and keep 2 metres distance .We used to travel in to others countries by plane but now we have to come home before nine o' clock .Mary Kardasi !!!